English Shorthand Dictation

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation

It has also been observed that with the passing of the Indian Reserve Force Act, 1957, employers are now reluctant to employ reservists with the result that it has become difficult for the reservists to secure employment especially in private firms. During the period of their reserve service, reservists get only a nominal retraining fee of Rs. 10/- per month except when called up for training or active service. This small retraining fee is hardly sufficient for the reservist to maintain himself or his family and it becomes essential for him to take up some civil employment.
    For most of the reservists, the reservists training is biennial and lasts for eight weeks at the most. It will be appreciated that in practically all jobs and employee earns a certain amount of leave and it should not be difficult for employers to give the reservist his leave during the training period but when such leave is not admissible, he might be given leave without pay since he receives pay for this period from the Government. Moreover if in any particular year the employer is unable to release the reservist, training for him can be postponed to the next calender year. (200 words)

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation