English Shorthand Dictation

The audio of the official dictation at 80wpm 

The Written Form of the Above Dictation

English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation

I am directed to say that from the reports received from certain Commandants of the training centres and units carrying out reservist training it is observed that in several cases the employers do not release the employees, who have liability to serve as 'Reservists' for training the Reservist Training Centres.
           A Reservist is required to declare himself as a reservist in terms of the Regulation for the Army of India. Rule 2 and an employer accepts the liability to spare him for training and for mobilization when required. As the State Governments, are aware under the provisions of the Indian Reserve Force Act 1888 as amended by the Parliament it is not obligatory on the part of the employer to re-instate the reservists in their employment after completion of training. Non- release of employees with reserve liability for periodical training at the centres is therefore against both the letter and spirit of the law in this regard and it is requested that suitable instructions may be issued to all concerned under intimation to this Ministry to release the reservists for periodical training immediately on receipt of calling up notices from the Military authorities.

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation