English Shorthand Dictation 

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation
 Government have carefully reviewed the existing machinery for the redress of public grievances. It has been felt that in spite of detailed instructions, issued from time to timeadequate and prompt attention has not been given to the removal of public complaints. It has, therefore, been decided that officers at all levels should pay personal attention to this work.
    The grievances Department will entertain complaints from the public. It will also entertain complaints from retired officials regarding their pensions, arrears, pay fixation etc. It will not entertain complaints from serving officials, but if any such complaints are received they will be brought to the notice of the Head of Department, Secretary or the Minister, as necessary.
    The Department will have jurisdiction to make enquiries in all Government Departments except the Judiciary. Then complaints against Local Bodies, State Undertakings and Statutory Bodies will not be enquired into by this organisation unless specially required by the Chief Secretary, Minister-in-chargeor the Chief Minister. Enquiries into the complaints against all officers and officials of the State Government including Heads of Departments and Secretary to Government can be made by this organisation. In cases of enquiries against Heads of Departments and Secretaries to Government, prior permission of the Chief Secretary will, however, be obtained before an enquiry is undertaken.
    The Director of Removal of Grievances may receive, complaints directly or through Ministers and Secretaries to Government. No officer below the rank of Secretary shall refer a complaint to Director of removal of Grievances.
    The Director will decide in what manner all such complaints as have been dealt with at the district level and are still pressed for consideration at the State level, will be disposed of. In the case of urgent and serious complaints, the Director may ask the head of the Department or the Administrative Secretary to make enquiries and furnish a report within a stipulated period. In all other cases where comments of any Government officer are invited by the Director, these should be made available to him within 15 days. The Director is authorised to address any officer of the Government, directly  and to obtain information relevant to the inquiry. Copies of such communications and replies sent by the officers should be endorsed to Head of Departments. This procedure may be noted. (400words)

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation

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English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation