Shorthand Dictation English

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English Shorthand Dictation

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However, even when the Committee was able to achieve this result, as mandated by this Court in Inderpreet Singh Kahlon’s case (supra), the Committee also went into another aspect, namely, whether it could be stated that the process of selection could be described as fraudulent, tainted and arbitrary. Looking into the matter from this angle, the Committee came to the conclusion that the entire processes of selections to the premier executive post was carried out by a well-planned scheme of deception, forgery and fraud and, therefore, reserved to be set aside in their entirety. The final analysis of the report dated February 08,2007 is as under:

                Firstly, it is possible to infer that in the processes of selection to which the present investigation is limited, there were 40 tainted candidates. This inference would, however, be subjected to an opportunity to be afforded to them during the course of re-hearing of the matter on the judicial side, in terms of the direction of the Apex Court in Inderpreet Singh Kahlon’s case (supra). Secondly, the process of selection under reference within the ambit of investigation of the Vigilance Department, can be described as fraudulent, tainted and arbitrary. The said processes of selection were clearly rifle and abounding with manipulations, carried out by a well planned scheme of deception, forgery and fraud; executed for showing favour, or for consideration.(226 words)

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