English Shorthand Dictation
English Shorthand Dictation
The system of shorthand writing was invented by Sir Isaac Pitman, who in 1837 published his first treatise on the art. In 1840 the second edition of his work appeared, under the title ‘phonography’ or writing by sound being also a New and natural system of shorthand. In the numerous editions of phonography published in succeeding years, many improvements were introduced. These were the fruit of long and varied stenographic experiments, and of the valuable criticism and experience of large number of expert writers of the system who had applied it to work of every description. No other system of shorthand designed for the English language has been subjected to tests so prolonged, so diverse, and system is now generally styled has undergone since its introduction, with the result that it has been most successfully adapted to the practical requirements of all classes of shorthand writers.
                Although students, as a rule, experience no difficulty in understanding the method here set fourth of ‘writing by sound, it is desirable that they should have at the beginning or their study, an intelligent grasp of all that is conveyed by that term. The advantage of practical ability in the art of shorthand writing is so universally acknowledged in the present day that it is unnecessary to emphasize it. It is obvious, however, that the value of shorthand, whether as a vehicle for private communication or for use in various ways in business for professional life, would be largely diminished if the same system-and that the best were not employed. This important fact is now generally recognized; and statistics, the testimony of public men, and general observation, concur in demonstrating that the system which Sir Isaac Pitman invented is taught and used as the shorthand par excellence for all who speak the English language. Further and very significant evidence to the merits of his system is the fact that it has been adapted to no fewer than twenty foreign languages.

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Some English Shorthand Dictation Outlines of  Typical Terminology

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What do you mean by stenography?

 Definition of stenography. 1 : The art or process of writing in shorthand. 2 : shorthand especially written from dictation or oral discourse.

What do you mean by Shorthand?

A method of rapid writing by means of abbreviations and symbols, used especially for taking dictation.